Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crews Testing Water System; Transfer Supplies

SLN: Up to the Minute, I'm Charles Atkeison. The ten astronauts aboard the international space station spent a busy Sunday as they continued to transfer new suppiles aboard from the Leonardo module; test a new water system; and prepare tools for Monday's spacewalk.

NASA reported late this afternoon that equipment and supplies transfers are 76% complete. Two new sleep bunks and a new toliet have already been set-up. A system for removing water from crew urine continues to undergo trouble shooting due to readings that state the system's motor is not working at full power. The Water Recovery System will be a useful tool once working as this current NASA-dubbed Home Improvement mission makes the station habitable for six people beginning this May.

Also today, several of the crew members spoke with several media outlets [above at 4:10 pm EST] about the current mission.

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